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watz gud my name is jasmine i am 17 yrs old my bday is aug 6 1992 no im not single i am happily married but if u wanna kno more juzt message me on myspace ya digg...www.myspace.com/tionniatakia


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

unit 4-modernism

ELAALRL1 The student demonstrates comprehension by identifying evidence (i.e., examples of diction, imagery, point of view, figurative language, symbolism, plot events and main ideas) in a variety of texts representative of different genres (i.e., poetry, prose [short story, novel, essay, editorial, biography], and drama) and using this evidence as the basis for interpretation.

ELAALRL2 The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of theme in a work of American literature and provides evidence from the work to support understanding.

ELAALRL3 The student deepens understanding of literary works by relating them to their contemporary context or historical background, as well as to works from other time periods.

ELAALRL5 The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and writing.

1. Create a new post on your blog called "Unit Four", and then explain which of the above standards you have had the most difficulty mastering. Make specific references to the work you have done in this class in your response.

ELAALRL1 The student demonstrates comprehension by identifying evidence (i.e., examples of diction, imagery, point of view, figurative language, symbolism, plot events and main ideas) in a variety of texts representative of different genres (i.e., poetry, prose [short story, novel, essay, editorial, biography], and drama) and using this evidence as the basis for interpretation.

This is the standard that i had the most difficulty with because i barely understood it and it was hard. This standard was talking about a lot of things that i barely knew until really the end of realism. At the end of the realism project made me realize that i was showing evidence.

2. Choose one of the Modernism themes named above that you are most interested in studying: Disillusionment, the Harlem Renaissnace, The Jazz Age, or Phychoanalysis. Write a paragraph that describes why you made this choice and how you expect to see the topic you chose represented in the literature you are about to read.

3. Read the story that coresponds to the theme you chose. Chose a topic according to your interests, not the length of the story. Choosing a story because of its length is not the wisest way to approach this assignment.

Disillusionment -- Soldier's Home by Earnest Hemmingway
The Harlem Renaissance -- Sweat or The Gilded Six-Bits by Zora Neale Hurston can be found here.
The Jazz Age -- Choose a story by F. Scott Fitzgerald here.
Psychoanalysis -- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber

When you are through reading, you should type a two-paragraph response to the story you read, and then provide another two paragraphs in which you analyze the theme you chose and how it is represented in the story. Take time to explain how the author features the theme you chose, and go deeper and explain what you believe he or she is saying about America. This will require you to provide examples straight from the texts as well as some synthesis on your part (drawing your own conclusions).

4. Read the following poems. When you study poetry, it is a good habit to read each selection MORE THAN ONCE.

Richard Corey by Edwin Arlington Robinson
Mending Wall by Robert Frost
A Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes
The Negro Speaks of Rivers by Langston Hughes
Incident by Countee Cullen

Write a paragraph response to each poem in which you explain your opinions about what is being written as well as identify one of the elements of Modernism in each. These paragraphs must contain direct evidence from the poetry to support whatever claims you make. Please be thorough enough in this section so not to have to go back and make adjustmetns after I read your work.

5. Review your response to number 1 in this unit. Then explain how you have addressed the Georgia Performance Standard you said was a challenge for you. You should support this claim with evidence from your own work.

Once you have completed all of the above, leave me a comment to remind me to check your work.

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